Let’s Help Build the Future of Filipino Learners
Welcome to LABCICI!
Learning and Beyond Childcare and Intervention Center, Inc. is a preschool where teachers are trained to accept, accommodate, modify, and individualize presentations. Learning & Beyond Childcare and Intervention Center, Inc. nurtures individual differences and carefully plans lessons and even adopts different techniques and/or strategies. LABCICI recognizes the strengths of children and their other capabilities. Other than the academics, a child may display other talents and gifts like: drawing, dancing or playing games and sports. Being a good listener or working well with others are also traits that children may not receive credit for. Recognizing all these empowers a child who may have been facing challenges for so long in academics. A well-deserved recognition of strength from non-academic areas may cause the child to thrive.
Using differentiated instruction supports the development of the other learning needs because its instructions tailor to limitless learning needs. Students may have the same academic goal/s however their learning styles can be different from each other. Their interests, preferences, strengths and struggles are different from the rest. There is no such thing as one size fits all, meaning: not everyone fits the mold. Not every approach is effective to all.
LABCICI embraces each child with love, respect, patience and understanding to result in achieving a peaceful, healthy, productive and prepared “child-friendly” environment for everybody.
LABCICI embraces each child with love, respect, patience and understanding to result in achieving a peaceful, healthy, productive and prepared “child-friendly” environment for everybody.
Its program called H.O.P.E (Healthy Opportunities for Progress and Education) shows what preschool inclusion is like in LABCICI. LABCICI offers an environment for both regular children and children with special needs. At LABCICI the children learn to listen, participate, work jointly, cooperate play and interact and socialize with one another in their day to day activities and routines in the learning environment. We aspire that everyone experiences and witnesses the beauty of inclusion in the pre-school-aged community of young learners.